Indian Remedies Neuralex Forte Capsule
Indian Remedies Neuralex Forte Capsule
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Indian Remedies Neuralex Forte Capsule

Indian Remedies
    Delivery time:5-7 Days
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Information about Indian Remedies Neuralex Forte Capsule

Neuralex Forte Capsule is the result of age old and time tested Ayurvedic knowledge. Neuralex Forte is a Blend of 15 Individual Tonics. It is very effective in general debility associated with malnutrition. It helps to promote healthy life full of zest, vigour, and vitality. The 15 individual tonic which are the ingredients of Neuralex Forte Capsules, act in different ways. It improves memory power. It improves concentration power. It is the most powerful tonic in weakness and loss of sexual power. Net Qty: 100 capsules per bottleBenefits of Neuralex Forte Capsule:Neuralex Forte Capsules very useful in nervous debility. It is tonic for nervous systems. It gives warning effect to the body. It is spinal stimulant as well as the respiratory and cardiac stimulant. It has the selective effect on the central nervous system. It contains vitamins which are soluble in water and oil.
Neuralex Forte regulates the secretions of internal glandular organs. It increases general metabolism. It gives most of the essential vitamins in their natural forms.
Neuralex Forte is very effective in a general weakness of both sexes, nocturnal emissions nervous debility, impotency.
Directions of use:
1 to 2 Capsule in the morning after breakfast and at bedtime. To increase Libido 3 Capsule at a time with milk or as directed by Physician.
Restriction as to diet : Avoid chilies, acids, highly spiced food and intoxicants.
Use under medical supervision.