Ayurvediya Garbhasanskar

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Research in the field of Garbhasanskar mentioned in Ayurveda and Vedas has been going on for many years. Many expectant mothers are benefitted by this research during the last decade or more. 'Ayurvediya Garbhasanskar' is the essence of this experience based research. It elaborately guides about what needs to be done so that the child grows to be beautiful, intelligent and healthy. To make the journey of parenthood a happy and enjoyable one. to give birth to a virtuous and gifted child with proper sanskaaras and to find the entire experience heavenly, every pregnant woman and couples desirous of having children, must read this book and experience it.

  • Print Length : 286 pages
  • Word Wise : Not Enabled
  • Publisher : Diamond Pocket Books (P) Ltd. (29 August 2013)
  • File Size : 534 KB
  • Language: : English
  • X-Ray : Not Enabled
  • Enhanced Typesetting : Enabled
  • Text-to-Speech : Enabled